Sunday 14 March 2010

The Transformation Business

We hear a lot these days about empowering those who are marginalised or excluded. That is those who often have no public voice and no way to be heard above the more articulate and powerful voices in society today. But when we talk about this, is it really just that, talk or do we mean it so passionately that we will do something about it?

Seeking justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God say a powerful thing to me - they are all active, they all require me to do something - seeking, loving, walking. Recently I have been helping a group of people find their voice, fight for what they believe is right and help them to know that they can be heard at all levels of local authority.I find it humbling when I get to know the folks involved and realise their grit and determination, the issues they have to cope with every day and how hard it is for many to engage in this way, but as they do their confidence grows and their ability as well.

Jesus did a lot of empowering, I only have to look at the Apostles to see good examples of that, people transformed by walking with Christ, following his directions and eventually doing amazing things themselves, empowered by him. Christ is in the transformation business transforming individuals, groups and whole communities, empowering and raising up those who had no voice through those who do.

For church to take this seriously, means to get involved, I was told recently that the congregation that I am part of has been accepted in the community that it works in because it has accepted people as it finds them, delivers on its promises and is a positive influence on the community.

We are all called to join the transformation business, sharing Christs love in our communities and helping them experience the transforming work of the Holy Spirit among them through God's people, the church.

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