Saturday 23 November 2019

Division and Chaos 2

This is an unusual posting from me as its not dotted with scripture, its more a reflection on a little division and chaos in the Christian world.

My last posting was on the division and chaos that I was reflecting upon in our society and politics. But as I have continued on this track I have found myself reflecting upon the nature of the Christian church in this age.

Reading some things on the web recently smd some posts of others commenting on things going on I wonder if I am in fact a product of a by-gone age. It would appear that if I take seriously the things I have been reading I am an infernalist, possibly callous, a homophobe and probably a few other 'phobes as well. In the Christian world we seem to have adopted the pugilistic, threatening language type of debate, that seeks not to have reasoned discussion and acceptance of difference of views. Instead it seems to seek to shut down any opposing view as inconceivably wrong and thus bigoted or phobic.

In one series of posts related to the ongoing discussion on universalism, or the idea that no matter if we accept Christ or not, all will eventually be saved, I was led to look deeper, to find that since my views differ from the writer of the book promoted, it seems my understanding is so flawed that I am someone who since I differ with the author on heaven and hell I am one who "To believe in it even in part . . . one must at some level have lost the capacity to distinguish clearly between love and spite."
Well that tells me.

Another series of posts related to the recent events around Churches together in England and their not affirming the appointing of a president who was in a same sex relationship. Both sides of the discussion got heated and I chose not to engage as I was more than likely going to be seen as a bigot or some such, because I hold to a view that marriage is between a man and a woman, what is now called a traditional view by some.

It seems to me that the church has more than adopted the mode of activity of our society in its "debate", putting off good, loving and honest discussion in favour of pushing aside anything we don't agree with using language that shuts down discussion and reason in favour of they who shout the loudest win the day. To some degree I think its bullying behaviour, frighten the opposition with accusations and language that shuts down rather than reasons. Just like out politicians and lobbyists.No amount of forceful language is going to change my view, in fact pretty much the opposite.

Having a different point of view, no matter how firmly held and researched and prayed through, counts for little when it comes to trying to engage in these sorts of discussion. As result I often don't bother, since it achieves little and simply seems to inflame rather than promote reason.

I accept that others have different views to me on scripture, how to read it and its interpretation, but why is it not possible for those same people to accept that I and others like me have opinions different from theirs that deserve some respect?

In many respects we seem to have become "of the world" rather than "in the world". In the end there is one Judge and we will all find out the truth, and there can only be one, can't there? God's truth. We will all be right in some things and wrong in others. We use words like justice and mercy to justify views and then act without either when debating with each other.

I seem to recall that Jesus tells us something that we should remember and seed our discussion with -
Joh 13:34  "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Joh 13:35  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Here is a preview of a song for Advent, which brings us back to love.