Coupled with that comes the responsibility for speaking into the life of those who are a part of the church I have been called to minister within. Challenging attitudes and life choices that as church we see as incompatible with our faith stance and ultimately with scripture and of course there will be bias, my understanding of scripture, but still I must wrestle with the fact that among Christians there are differing views. Alongside that comes the privilege of encouraging, discipling and growing those who want to grow in their journey with Christ.
Let me give some examples of this related to Christians:
Opportunity's would include speaking out on the current refugee situation in Europe and encouraging looking at the range of responses and attitudes and asking what would God want of us in this? They would also include supporting efforts to deal with homelessness and helping those with a lack of food, through our local food bank.
Responsibility weights heavy, when dealing with issues like sexual morality, not engaging in sex outside of a monogamous, heterosexual marriage and not engaging in adultery some of which cause much debate and divided opinion . But other issues also have to be dealt with such as how we treat or regard others, how we handle money and giving, to name a few.
But the other side is working with folks who grow in faith, seeing them blossom and find their way, strengthened by God. Being privileged to help them seek more of God, find out about their gifts and directions and seeing them working for God's glory. It includes the privilege of walking with others in their difficult situations offering comfort, support and care.
I know also that I could not do what God has called me to without the wisdom, strength, love and power that he gives me through his Holy Spirit and the gift I cherish the most, is his grace, the knowledge that he will love me no matter what.